Keynote Speakers

Prof. Zheng Yan (IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, AAIA Fellow, and AIIA Fellow)
Xidian University, China

Dr. Zheng Yan is currently a Huashan distinguished professor at the Xidian University, China. She is a Fellow of IEEE, IET, AAIA, and AIIA. She received the B. Eng in electrical engineering and M. Eng in computer science and engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1994 and 1997. She received a second M. Eng in information security from National University of Singapore in 2000. She earned the Licentiate of Science and the Doctor of Science in Technology in electrical engineering from Helsinki University of Technology in 2005 and 2007. She joined the Nokia Research Center, Helsinki in 2000, working as a senior researcher until 2011. She worked as a visiting professor and a Finnish Academy Fellow at the Aalto University, Finland for over seven years.

Her research interests are in cyber trust, security, privacy, and data analytics. She has led 30+ projects, sponsored by EU, Academy of Finland, NSFC, MOST, telecom industry, etc. At the helm of a research team with 60+ members, she has supervised 160+ post-doctoral researchers and graduates. She has authored 400+ publications, with 270+ first and corresponding authorships, featured prominently in top-tier venues. Thirteen of them are top 0.1% or 1% highly-cited ESI papers. She is the sole author of two books on trust management, utilized in teaching for a decade. 150 patents (including 82 independent international inventions) invented by her have been adopted by industry, a few of them have been incorporated into international standards and widely used in practice with billions of users. She has delivered 30+ invited keynote speeches and talks at international conferences and world-leading companies. Her Google Scholar citation is over 16,000 with an H-index of 66,

Zheng served and is serving as an EiC/area/associate/guest editor for 60+ reputable journals, e.g., executive EiC of Information Sciences, associate editor of ACM Computing Surveys, area editor of Information Fusion. She is a steering committee member of several conferences, a general/program chair for 40+ international conferences. She is a founding steering committee co-chair of IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, which becomes a leading venue in the field.

Dr. Yan is recognized as a Stanford World Top 2% Scientist since 2019 and an Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researcher since 2020. She has earned many accolades, including Distinguished Inventor of Nokia for significant technology contributions, N²Women Star in Computer Networking and Communications, IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing, IEEE TEMS Distinguished Leadership Award, ELEC Impact Award for patent contributions to Finnish society, the Best Journal Paper Award issued by IEEE ComSoc and several other Best Paper awards, 18 times other IEEE Distinguished/Outstanding Leadership/Service awards, three EU awards, Excellent PhD Dissertation Supervisor Award of Chinese Society of Electronic Education, Shaanxi Nature Science Prize, etc. Her students have been rewarded more than 50 national or international awards. Her excellence has been covered by the media on numerous occasions.

Prof. Tomoaki Otsuki
Keio University, Japan

Tomoaki Otsuki (Ohtsuki) received the B.E., M.E., and Ph. D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Keio University, Yokohama, Japan in 1990, 1992, and 1994, respectively. From 1994 to 1995 he was a Post Doctoral Fellow and a Visiting Researcher in Electrical Engineering at Keio University. From 1993 to 1995 he was a Special Researcher of Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Japanese Junior Scientists. From 1995 to 2005 he was with Science University of Tokyo. In 2005 he joined Keio University. He is now a Professor at Keio University. From 1998 to 1999 he was with the department of electrical engineering and computer sciences, University of California, Berkeley. He is engaged in research on wireless communications, optical communications, signal processing, and information theory. Dr. Ohtsuki is a recipient of the 1997 Inoue Research Award for Young Scientist, the 1997 Hiroshi Ando Memorial Young Engineering Award, Ericsson Young Scientist Award 2000, 2002 Funai Information and Science Award for Young Scientist, IEEE the 1st Asia-Pacific Young Researcher Award 2001, the 5th International Communication Foundation (ICF) Research Award, 2011 IEEE SPCE Outstanding Service Award, the 27th TELECOM System Technology Award, ETRI Journal’s 2012 Best Reviewer Award, 9th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China 2014 (CHINACOM ’14) Best Paper Award, 2020 Yagami Award, The 26th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2021) Best Paper Award, and International Conference on Internet of Things, Communication and Intelligent Technology (IoTCIT) 2024 Best Paper Award. He has published more than 276 journal papers and 518 international conference papers.
He served as a Chair of IEEE Communications Society, Signal Processing for Communications and Electronics Technical Committee. He served as a technical editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine and an editor of Elsevier Physical Communications. He is now serving as an Area Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and an editor of the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. He is also serving as the IEEE Communications Society, Asia Pacific Board Director. He has served as general-co chair, symposium co-chair, and TPC co-chair of many conferences, including IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, SPC, IEEE ICC 2011, CTS, IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, SPC, IEEE ICC 2020, SPC, IEEE APWCS, IEEE SPAWC, and IEEE VTC. He gave tutorials and keynote speeches at many international conferences including IEEE VTC, IEEE PIMRC, IEEE WCNC, and so on. He was Vice President and President of the Communications Society of the IEICE, also he was a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE. He is a fellow of the IEICE, a Fellow of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), a senior member of the IEEE, and a member of the Engineering Academy of Japan.

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Ms. Chelsea Zhou

BDE 2025 conference secretary


Tel: +86-021-59561560


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